AJSC Organizes Psychosocial Support Training Programs For 156 Journalists and MWs


12. April 2023, 14:27

The Afghan Journalists Safety Committee (AJSC), to support journalists and media workers and to improve their mental health, launched Psychosocial Support training programs for 156 journalists and media workers of 12 provinces including Kandahr, Parwan, Ghazni, Laghman, Badakhshan, Nuristan, Kapisa, Panjshir, Khost, Badghis, Farah and Jawzjan provinces.

The training programs were held in Badakhshan (March 15), Kandahar (March 18), Jawzjan (March 20), Ghazni (March 20), Laghman (March 20), Parwan (March 20), Khost (March 21), Badghis (March 21) and Farah (March 21) provinces.

The Psychosocial Support training program includes a general session and individual counseling sessions, and discuss general psychological themes such as mental resilience, mental disorders, depression, anxiety, fear, schizophrenia, etc.

After participating in the general session on psychosocial issues, the program participants are introduced to individual counseling sessions with a professional therapist based on their needs.

AJSC organizes capacity building programs to enhance journalists and media workers capacity and improve their skills in various fields related to journalistic work.